Freundeskreis Europäischer Modellbahner eV.


First public Meeting of Regional Group FREMO-ITALIA - Florence, April 29-30th 2006

We have been invited to the Florence Days, popular model railroad exhibition organized by GMFF (Florence Railroad Modellers Group) and by ASN (Friends of N Scale) held every year, end of April, at the Museum Of N Scale into Leopolda Station, Florence.
We have carried out several operating sessions; one has been led, under our guide, by modelers from the public, attending to the "Modeling Masters", organized by ASN during the Florence Days.
The participants fulfilled the roles of Engineer and Conductor, leading trains along the layout, and switching cars and passengers trains where needed; others participants acted as Station Masters, caring for traffic regulation through stations and to/from industry spurs.
This meeting occasion allowed us to include new modules, and to test definitively the dedicated rolling stock; this includes locomotives and passengers cars of German origin, repainted in the appropriate livery of "our" free-lance SAFI RR.

Unfortunately we haven't been able to fit Micro-Trains couplers to the rolling stock. We plan to have it fitted within next meeting.

Here are the trackplan (PDF 11KB) and timetable (PDF 80KB) files.

Hereby some shots:

Overall view

Panoramic view of the U curve.

Regional Passenger #1002 rolling on the SS63 road overpass

Regional passenger #1001 near Cervara sul Poggio vineyards

Darsena Nuova dockyard branch, module yet to be scenicked

Mainline modules, Padana plain flavour

Gualtieri, loading yard side

Finale's Paper Mill on-line industry

Bridge over Rio Torto river

Ricefields and elevated trackbed

Gualtieri, front side

Valle train stop and grain spurs

A briefing about FREMO and realistic operation before we begin the operating session

Cars switching in Valle. From left: Alex Cosico, Silvano Castagneri, Denny Turani and Franco "Pik" Piccardo.

Gualtieri station during the "Modeling Master"

Switching in Finale during the "Modeling Master"

Freight 501 is passing over the SS63 (Highway 63)

Mario Vason and Carlo Pacetti are switching cars in Valle

Panic in Finale station during the "Modeling Master"

Uncoupling cars in Valle

Mario Vason checks the timetable

We talk about swithing sequence before stopping a passenger in Valle.

Switching in Finale

Federico Rosano is conducting a passenger and stops in Valle.

Group photo: From left to right: Franco "Pik" Piccardo, Denny Turani, Antonio Rosano, Federico Rosano, Mario Vason, Alex Corsico, Andrea Barella and Antonio Rampini.

A special thank you to Stefania Vason for several photos on this page.

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