Stephan Wenig, nuovo membro

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Stephan Wenig, nuovo membro

Messaggioda Stephan Wenig » dom dic 09, 2007 5:23 pm

Ciao Amiche ed Amici di FREMO-Italy,

sono nuovo in questo foro e vorrei mi presentare qui:

Mi chiamo Stephan Wenig. Ho 43 anni. Abito in campagna in Germania, vicino al lago Chiemsee, tra Monaco di Baviera e Salisburgo. Sono uno membro di FREMO anche.

Sorry for any mistakes. I can’t speak Italian, but I want to learn your language more and more. You can surely write me simple sentences in Italian, but write me the other sentences in English, please.

Now in the next year I have the follow roadmap:

It is very important for me to participate on the 20th anniversary FREMO convention in Naumburg, near Kassel. I know people from Netherland, Czech, Poland and Denmark would like to participate as the people of your and my country. Surely I try to help you as I can, when you want to participate on this convention.

Also I will organize the part “gauge N” at our next FREMO convention in Rosenheim in 2008. It would probably be from 01. to 04. November 2008. Currently I build a station and a friend told me that he probably has time for this convention. He has two stations so we could have an exciting arrangement. I invite you from FREMO-Italy to our convention in Rosenheim. I send you the confirmation when we have fixed the above appointment. I would be happy when we would meet us again in Rosenheim after the convention in Naumburg.

I could me imagine that I also participate on your next convention in 2008, if you want. Of course I have to look that I have free time for this convention. But I don’t like one more convention in autumn 2008, because there are already two conventions for me.

Still one more information: In Germany we also have a forum. In this forum we also discuss about our big convention in Naumburg. Unfortunately the most texts are in German, but sometimes few participants write their texts in English too. Please let me know who want to participate on the german forum and I will refer your request to our administrator.

Ciao ed uno buono Domenica
Stephan Wenig
Messaggi: 14
Iscritto il: dom dic 02, 2007 8:22 pm
Località: Eggstaett, germania

Messaggioda Alex.Corsico » dom dic 09, 2007 5:54 pm

Welcome Stephan, nice too meet you (olny for forum now :D )

For the convention in Naumburg we are very interessed to go.

I could me imagine that I also participate on your next convention in 2008, if you want.

yes we want :D correct?
Alex Corsico [0390105]
Ferrovie e Tranvie Locali

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Iscritto il: mer nov 19, 2003 8:51 am
Località: Pavia

Messaggioda buddace » lun dic 10, 2007 10:36 am

Stephan Wenig

Hello Stephan!!!
FREMO expert
Messaggi: 474
Iscritto il: lun mar 26, 2007 6:32 pm
Località: Torino

Messaggioda m_vason » lun dic 10, 2007 2:11 pm

Ciao Stephan, benvenuto!

Ti faremo sapere la data del prossimo FREMO-ITALIA meeting, probabilmente in primavera 2008.

A presto
FREMO master
Messaggi: 559
Iscritto il: lun gen 09, 2006 9:40 am
Località: Givoletto (TO) - Oleggio (NO)

Messaggioda denny » lun dic 10, 2007 3:36 pm

Hi Stephan,
Nice to have you here. More questions on FREMO 20th meeting will be asked soon :)
Saronno, VA
FREMO king
Messaggi: 1623
Iscritto il: lun nov 17, 2003 4:16 pm
Località: Saronno, VA

Messaggioda ALn880 » mar dic 11, 2007 9:54 am

Grüß Gott Stephan!

Maximiliano Verde
GAFA - Gruppo Amici della Ferrovia Alifana
FREMO ready
Messaggi: 94
Iscritto il: lun mag 14, 2007 9:59 am
Località: Brescia

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